Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Inaugural Post

Hello all and welcome to my blog.  I've never had one, but I love writing and have basically nothing to do this summer so I figured why not (also, my friend CJ made me start one).  I'm sure you've noticed the blog's title and have correctly deduced that I'll be writing about movies.  I could bore you with stories about my personal life, but frankly I think fictional films are far more interesting.  Plus, I've gained somewhat of a reputation as a movie freak; my roommate actually referred to me as "kmdb" once (in the middle of a phone call concerning The American President).  

Well I don't have anything film-related to divulge at the moment (strike that: I'm pretty pissed that my family's newly acquired Tivo won't record anything on Turner Classic Movies channel.  That little yellow "not recorded" sign is so unholy) so I guess that's it for now.  I suppose I could ramble on, but if there's anything I hate about movies (and writing), it's shitty, unnecessarily long endings.  Until next time then, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.    


CJ said...

Hooray! KMDB comes to fruition!

Jen said...

Haha, Kristin has a blog. Why didn't I think of this nickname for you earlier.