Sunday, August 31, 2008

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu

Hello again, my fellow movie fanatics. I write today with unfortunate news. Having just completed my first week back at college, it's pretty apparent that this blog is going to be slowing down for a good couple months. Don't worry, this isn't goodbye forever; there's always next summer, and winter break. Who knows? I may even manage a brief post or two in between reading a bunch of names I could never hope to pronounce in my Russian history book, and my hours locked up in the graphics lab.

Before I sign off though, I wanted to publicize Rain of Madness, the new Tropic Thunder mockumentary. Made by fictional filmmaker Jan Jürgen (played by one of the summer hit's co-writers, Justin Theroux), it gives us a hilarious behind-the-scenes look at the satirical movie-within-a-movie. There's a discussion of PPDD (Post Platoon Distress Disorder - even Robin Williams has suffered it), Brookyln's breakout ad for erectile dysfunction, some inspired script rewrites by Tugg Speedman and, best of all, more of Kirk Lazarus getting into character.

Not only does Rain of Madness offer 30 minutes of sheer brilliance, it's FREE. Seriously, what have you got to lose? (If, however, you need more convincing, check out the official website here. There's tons of clips and diary entries from Jan, as well as links to the fictional actors' official sites. Their latest movie trailers - including, yes, Satan's Alley - are promised soon.)

I hope the hilarity of Rain of Madness makes up for my absence (along with pseudo-rhymes). You guys have nothing to worry about though, because really, we're like Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally or West Side Story's Tony and Maria. Ultimately, nothing - bad timing, parents, gang violence, mutual hatred - can keep us apart.


CJ said...

Awww. If you ever do find the time to blog while at school, you know I'll be on that text like a hippo on small spherical pellets!

Anonymous said...

Noooooo! How will I live without my regular dose of witty movie banter?!?!
