Saturday, January 3, 2009

More Angry Movie-Themed Poetry!

Before I get to that promised poetry, I was just wondering if anyone else was as excited as me for the new Clint Eastwood movie. No, not Gran Torino, silly. The eerily similar but ultimately more effective display of Eastwood's talents, The Growler.

See why I can't take him seriously anymore?

Now, onto the real point of this post. So I know I'm going to get accused of being a fangirl (or at the very least an unoriginal blogger) for this, but I'm pretty freakin' pissed at Fox right now. I've been going out of my mind with excitement each time I see a trailer for Watchmen (which is a lot), find a new film still or read even the teeniest blurb about it, and now I might not ever get to see it. That is not healthy, Fox. All that pent up excitement and no pay-off? I might spontaneously combust. And it would be all your fault. 

All. Your. Fault.

Since I can't pull off an angry dance quite as well as Kevin Bacon, or even Bret McKenzie, I turn to angsty poetry once again. The following is as of yet untitled, and may not live up to Ode to Nicolas Cage, but here goes nothing (please bear with me on the weird formatting; I had a couple one-word danglers, and graphics class has made me OCD about that):

Fox, you really suck. / If you were a food, the only word to describe you would be yuck. / You make me want to say something else that rhymes / With suck and yuck many, many times.

Why did you wait so long to sue over Watchmen? / Correct me if I'm wrong when / I say that - you'll know this you're so bright - / You're something called a movie studio, right?

Yeah, movie studios tend to know about this stuff. / Passing projects like the WB's under your radar is pretty tough, / Especially when it's been widely publicized since December 2005. / Were you too busy making Dr. Doolittle 3 to pay any mind?

This makes me think you don't really have a claim, / 'Cause see, most people, with or without your fame, / Tend to watch their property, rather than wait years to moan and groan / About a sure to be stunning movie they were too stupid to make on their own.

You took away Arrested Development, one of the greatest shows ever / While making Date Movie, Epic Movie and other terrible endeavors. / So please back off Warner Bros. you low-down dirty ho, / Or next time you look up and shout "save us," I'll whisper hell no.  

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