Friday, February 27, 2009

Eat Your Heart Out, Andre Bazin!

Alright, I have a serious intellectual case to make here.  Based on the Oscars, I am now prepared to present a new film theory I've been working on for the past few months. I don't mean to brag, but I think it's going to shake Hollywood even more so than Laura Mulvey's "Visual Pleasure in Narrative Cinema" (score two gratuitous film class references). Okay, are you ready? Here it goes: there is no one on the planet more adorable than Dev Patel.
I know that might not sound like a big deal coming from me. I do spend an awful lot of time talking about how adorable certain actors are. But this subject is not up for debate. In fact, screw that "theory" bullshit, this is LAW. Doubt me? Here's the proof:

Exhibit A: He likes little kids in a non-creepy way.

Exhibit B: He wears sweater vests.

Exhibit C: This picture.

Seriously, when this guy starts getting mobbed by girls, I'm not even going to feel sorry for him. You brought this on your unbelievably cute self, Dev!

For all you fans out there (a.k.a. every girl that saw Slumdog), here's another ten solid minutes of adorableness:

P.S. Just so all of you who aren't quite as nerdy about movies as I am can appreciate how bombastic - I mean brilliant - my comparisons to other theorists are, here's Andre Bazin's wikipedia page, as well as Laura Mulvey's


Tarra said...


...Dev Patel should not be allowed.

Anonymous said...

Just looking at him makes me smile and say "awww!" in a silly voice...

This is also my reaction to cute puppies and/or babies giggling.