Saturday, August 22, 2009

(Outdated) Angry Observations: Why the Last King of Scotland DVD Cover Blows

So I noticed this in the Borders discount DVD bin the other day and almost screamed in frustration.

I've already talked about how absurdly underappreciated James McAvoy is for his role in The Last King of Scotland, but this takes the cake. We get it, Fox. Forest Whitaker was really good in this, and won an Oscar. That doesn't give you a free pass to ignore the rest of the cast. Oh, what's that?You popped Kerry Washington in the corner? What. The. Fuck. Though you refuse to admit it, James McAvoy was basically the second lead actor in this movie. Kerry Washington, on the other hand, was in maybe 1/3 of it. Maybe.

So what have you got against James McAvoy? While he's not a huge name, he's done consistently well with the critics and even has one Golden Globe and two BAFTA nods under his belt. He also won the BAFTA Rising Star award in 2006. (And even more impressively, he built himself up fast: he only started getting major roles in 2002/2003. Though maybe you remember his less-than-ten-minute spot on Band of Brothers.)

Let's see, he's also got a devoted fan base, and, most importantly, he's so freakin' likeable I can't stand it. How on earth could you not love him? I submit this video, and every other interview he's done with Craig Ferguson, as evidence of what has been dubbed "the Scottish vacuum of charm."

Oh and b.t. dubs, he's currently pegged as a favorite for Peter Jackson and Guillermo del Toro's surefire hit The Hobbit. Even supposed (and hilariously absurd) rival Daniel Radcliffe is pulling for him. So yeah, pretty soon he might be kind of a big deal. People will know him. And you, DVD cover designer, will not be invited to his apartment, which I'd imagine smells of rich mahogany and features many leatherbound books. You smelly pirate hooker, you.

Update: The brilliant Tarra has remedied the problem.


Tarra said...

Kristin I heart you. I'm going to visit you so hardcore in London this fall.

CJ said...

Your Anchorman references were my biggest "ell oh ell". Agreed on the poor choice of cover art, though. I can't stand to look at that man's creepy eyes for very long...

Kristin said...

Tarra, I'm excited! We're bound to have fun with the Brits.

CJ, I do not appreciate your not-so-subtle mocking. I'd also like to point out that, as horrible as that slip was, I would never in a million years spell out lol.