(The ravings of a mildly obsessive 20-year-old movie freak)
In the increasingly divisive world of movies, I’ve discovered one universal truth: everyone loves Gary Oldman. Seriously, even the people who don’t quite know who he is love him. In my experience, the words “Gary Oldman” can’t be uttered in a sentence without “awesome,” “amazing” or “badass.” No one hates him. It isn’t like Shia LaBeouf where most people are just so happy for that goofy Even Stevens kid, or Philip Seymour Hoffman’s tiny but devoted cult of fans. People young and old, male and female, with both excellent and questionable taste in movies adore this guy. Were some freak with a passionate loathing for Mr. Oldman to actually emerge, I don’t see others being alarmed and offended as much as completely puzzled. How can you hate someone so cool, talented, and sometimes even terrifying?
Speaking of cool actors, I love Clive Owen. The problem is I don’t always remember him. By that I don’t mean I literally can’t place the name with the face, but rather I often forget about his existence. See usually, I seek out a few movies by a certain actor after I’ve decided I like him or her. But, except for Children of Men, every time I watched one of his movies, I thought “Hey, Clive Owen’s in this!” only after his face popped up on screen. I really don’t understand this phenomenon; Clive’s so suave, tough and British (do you see why I was initially pissed that Daniel Craig and not Clive was the new Bond?). If those traits aren’t memorable, what is?
Now for something topical. The new Revolutionary Road trailer has to be the single most serious preview I’ve ever seen. The music alone makes it unbelievably somber and foreboding, but this is one trailer where I can’t find a shred of silver lining in the clips. The impression I’m getting is that, should you see this movie, expect to spend the rest of the day questioning your life’s happiness and alternatively sleeping and crying. So can someone please tell me why I’m so excited for it? Oh, right. Leo and Kate and Sam Mendes. In one movie. Can I watch it now?
Finally, why isn't Neil Patrick Harris in more movies? I've only seen Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog and almost all of How I Met Your Mother, but already I can't get enough of him. At least let him host the 2009 Emmys. The show would be infinitely better than this year's nightmare. 'Cause you know, whenever Neil Patrick Harris feels like doing a soul-crushingly bad job at hosting, he is just awesome instead. True story.
Wow. That hiatus didn’t last long.
Now, before you all start your rowdy celebrations, keep in mind this isn’t going to be KMDB full throttle (and by that I in no way mean to associate myself with that weak Charlie’s Angels sequel). I’ll still be writing shorter and infrequent posts, but consider me back in business. I guess I just don’t know how to quit you guys.
That was terrible. I apologize.
Anyway, my first order of business is to share a new(ish) trailer. I was pretty shocked that I had managed to avoid news about this movie until now, but Rian Johnson, the writer and director of Brick, is coming out with a new film this December: The Brothers Bloom. If you weren’t already excited for his follow-up (like me), his impressive cast may draw your attention. The movie stars Adrien Brody and Mark Ruffalo as two con-men (and brothers) whose latest (and supposedly last) target is a kooky heiress, played by Rachel Weisz. Rinko Kikuchi, of Babel fame, also stars as the brothers’ explosive expert Bang Bang. The names alone had me psyched out of my mind, but it looks like a genuinely fun action adventure with a good bit of comedy mixed in. And it releases just two days before my birthday, so to all of my Maryland friends: this is most likely what I’ll be dragging you to.
I was also fortunate enough to have attended a free advanced screening of Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist a few days ago. Most of you probably know about my love for Michael Cera, so I may be biased, but I thought it was ridiculously adorable, and very funny. The main cast does a great job on its own (Cera even manages to be a little more confident than usual), but also look out for some excellent cameos by a few SNL players. Just in case you’ve somehow missed the trailer, here it is again.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead waiting in my DVD player. Peace out, bean sprout.
February 2009 is a long way away, but you wouldn’t know it from the crazy Oscar buzz already in full swing. Well, at least the Oscar buzz surrounding Christopher Nolan’s smash success The Dark Knight. The star of this media frenzy is of course Heath Ledger, aka the darkest, most demented Joker this side of Gotham City. Could he be the second actor in history to win a posthumous Academy Award? While his performance is certainly stunning, and slightly reminiscent of the only actor in history to achieve this honor (okay, Peter Finch’s character in Network isn’t exactly a psychotic, clown-faced criminal but the underlying more-sane-than-he-seems theme is apparent in both) it’s still pretty early to say. Any potential Best Picture, Director, Screenplay or general special effects nominations/wins are even tougher to call.
That definitely hasn’t stopped people from talking about it, though. Amidst this ceaseless conversation, many have raised once again the call for more “popular” movies to be included in the Academy Awards. However, what most people don’t seem to realize is that not only is popularity a huge factor in winning an Oscar, it usually doesn’t yield the best results.
To prove my point, let’s examine some past Best Picture winners. Last year, the seemingly anti-Hollywood Coen brothers triumphed with their dark thriller No Country for Old Men. The ironic thing is just how Hollywood this choice was. Many people, myself included, believed the smaller Paul Thomas Anderson drama There Will Be Blood deserved the title. But who really saw that? Not a lot of people, at least by Hollywood standards. While TWBB's $40.2 million domestic gross was probably more than was expected, it looks pretty shameful next to No Country's $74.3 million. And despite its glowing reviews (some even compared it to Citizen Kane and Giant), many were put off by the movie. Too weird, too confusing or too radical for the 2008 BP. As for the other nominees, Juno was too quirky to win (the Academy still needs to maintain its austere respectability), Atonement, despite being a critic darling, also underperformed at the box office (only $50.9 million) and Michael Clayton was seen by even less people (roughly $49 million). No County thus pleased the general public and critics, making it the safest choice for the Academy.
(For the record, I’m not saying No Country is without merit. Javier Bardem absolutely earned his Best Supporting Actor win, and the suspense was executed marvelously. But I gotta say it: that ending was awful. For a lesson on adapting a tricky book finale well, see Atonement.)
The year before that had almost the exact same set-up, with the Coen brothers’ older counterpart Martin Scorsese taking home the gold for The Departed, his most commercially successful movie ever. Now, I truly believe this win was justified, but why would the Academy finally wake up and give Marty an Oscar after snubbing him in favor of, among several others, Kevin freakin’ Costner? The answer’s simple: he finally made a bonafide crowd pleaser.
I’m sure the pattern’s already becoming apparent, so I’ll save my rant on how Crash isn’t half the movie Capote or Good Night, and Good Luck is. But I’ll bet a lot of you are thinking “Kristin, those movies that won were still pretty good. What’s the real harm?” Well, allow me to jump back a little over a decade. The year was 1997 and the movie was Titanic, the now current (albeit perhaps not for long) record holder for domestic gross. This epic love story walked away with a whopping 11 Academy Awards, a fact that countless people lament today. While I do think Titanic gets a tad bit more grief than it deserves, it’s impossible to argue that it was an 11 Oscars movie in retrospect. Yet Oscar critics constantly point to this embarrassment as the award show done right. Sure, it pulled in a much bigger audience than the Academy currently boasts, but at what cost?
Don’t go thinking Titanic was the only case of a popular yet less-than-Oscar-worthy movie to clean up at the Academy Awards, either. For more evidence, see Rocky (1976 BP winner; losing nominees include Taxi Driver and Network), Forrest Gump (1994 BP winner; losing nominees include Pulp Fiction and The Shawshank Redemption), Chicago (2002 BP winner; losing nominees include Gangs of New York and The Pianist), and Ghost (1990 Best Supporting Actress win for Whoopi Goldberg; losing nominees include Lorraine Bracco in Goodfellas), among many others. Oh and I discovered this gem in my research: Julia Roberts was nominated for an Academy Award for her groundbreaking work in Pretty Woman.
The Pulitzer people would never give James Patterson any serious consideration, despite his being one of the most wildly successful authors alive. So why do we constantly complain that the Academy is condescending and out-of-touch? The Oscars are already all about politics and popularity. If we push them any further, we may one day find ourselves yearning for the years when a sinking ship or an anorexic Renee Zellweger reigned supreme at the Academy Awards.
Perhaps the only thing as impressive as Cate's daunting talent is her amazing career savvy. While I can't say I've seen everything she's ever done, she's never been known to make a truly terrible movie. Heck, she even managed to get an Oscar nomination out of the supposedly weak Elizabeth: The Golden Age. On top of all of that, she's probably one of the most fearless actresses working today. A lot of women in the entertainment industry would shy away from taboo issues like inappropriate teacher-student relationships or think twice before seriously playing a man, but Cate thrives off these opportunities, giving us some of the most fascinating characters movies can offer.
I really wanted to avoid posting the following clip, since I've already featured The Aviator in my favorite actors post, but once you watch it I think you'll see why it was so inscapable, and why Cate earned so much well-deserved praise.