Monday, May 19, 2008

Comic Book Heroes, Steve Carell, and Shakespeare's Resurrection, Part 2

You didn't think I'd keep you waiting that long, did you?  Enjoy the rest of the list, and the first ever KMDB attached video!

3.  Get Smart (06/20)
Maybe it's just because, as a diehard fan of The Office, I adore Steve Carell (Alan Arkin is pretty cool, too).  Regardless, I think this may end up being the best comedy of the summer (since really, it only has two serious competitors, both of which appear on this list).  The original TV show is a little before my time, and I haven't managed to watch any reruns or DVD seasons, so I can't comment on the validity of the casting choices and premise.  If it's anything like Peter Sellers' brilliant Pink Panther series though, which I strongly suspect it is, we're in for one hilarious spy spoof.

4.  The Dark Knight (07/18)
Even before Heath Ledger's tragic and shocking demise, I remember seeing this trailer and getting goosebumps.  Sure, Ledger had credibility as an actor, but this I simply could not believe.  As I became absorbed in his eerie voiceover and creepy face paint, I had to keep reminding myself that this was the Australian heartthrob who won the unconditional love of my generation's female audience by singing a Four Seasons song with a marching band.  It was pretty damn near impossible to maintain this perspective, as I'm sure you all know.  By the trailer's end (and after getting over my initial stunned paralysis), I had already made a mental note of July 18th on my calendar.  You can imagine my devastation, then, when I later learned that I'd be overseas during its release (as much as I'm looking forward to Paris).  So if you happen to see a crazed girl with luggage dashing through the movie theater on, say, the 27th or so, don't forget to say hi.

5.  Hamlet 2 (08/27 - limited)
This comedy features a song called "Rock Me, Sexy Jesus" and is, indeed, about a sequel to what is perhaps Shakespeare's most famous tragedy (written by a high school drama teacher).  Need I say more?

Honorable Mention: Pineapple Express (08/08)
I have to admit, when I saw the early ads for the latest Judd Apatow project (though he only produces this one; in fact, he hasn't directed anything since Knocked Up, contrary to what almost every comedy since then has led us to believe) my mild curiosity was overcome by a strong skepticism.  However, if my recent binges have taught me anything, it's that James Franco is one hilarious guy.  Check out the first episode of his "Acting with James Franco" series for evidence:

1 comment:

CJ said...

The video does add some spice. Kudos, Kris.